athlete guide
Final instructions will be delivered prior to race start. Make sure you cross over the timing mat on as you enter the rolling start line-up. To begin your swim, you must cross over a timing mat in a fenced-in area on the beach. Racers must cross over a timing mat leaving the water.
The swim will be a rolling start this year beginning at 8 a.m. for the Olympic and 8:45 a.m. for the Sprint and will proceed with or without you. It is mandatory that you start only at your designated time. All swimmers must wear the official race swim cap of appropriate color provided and extra caps will be available on the beach.
If you need help during the swim, raise one arm or yell to a lifeguard for assistance.
Wetsuits are strongly recommended. Water temperatures usually range from 55° and 60° degrees. No other swim or flotation devices may be used. Do not dive into shallow water. Upon exiting, swimmers will be guided to the transition area. Relay swimmers must proceed to the “tag zone” transition area.
Cyclists are required to wear a helmet that complies with USCPSC Safety Standards for bicycle helmets. The approved helmet must be fastened at all times while on the bike.
You must rack your bike in the transition area on a bike rack. Racking of bikes in transition area is first come first served. Your bike must be on a bike rack. Please do not use more than one rack space for your transition area. All bike racks must be used to maximum capacity. Your transition gear will be moved if you use more than your allotted room space.
The Olympic course is NOT a closed bike course. Cyclists should be aware of vehicular traffic, must stay to the right, and must stay in the bike lanes at all times where they are available. Upon exiting transition area, cyclists must obey ALL traffic laws.
Cyclists are reminded to follow all rules and traffic laws unless directed to do otherwise by a uniformed peace officer or race official. The USA Triathlon officials will be active on Hwy. 1 and will enforce all race rules.
Cyclists must follow instructions of race officials, volunteers and law enforcement officers at all times.
No ear buds or personal audio devices are allowed on the course. (USAT rules and City of Santa Cruz requirement).
No drafting is allowed at any time (see below). USAT officials will monitor the course. Cyclists must wear approved helmets, which must be fastened at all times when on the bike. Plastic Water and Gatorade Endurance Formula will be available in Davenport at the turn-around point in plastic water bottles. No private vehicles or assistance to riders will be allowed on the bike course, including Highway 1. Failure to obey this rule will result in disqualification.
The drafting rule that will be enforced is a simple one: cyclists may not ride within three bike lengths of a rider in front of them or within three feet of from a rider to the side. Cyclists have 15 seconds to complete a pass through this “drafting zone”. A cyclist must back off 3 bike lengths as soon as the front wheel of the passing rider moves ahead of his/her bike.
The run is on West Cliff Drive foot and bike paths to the turnaround/aid station on Swanton Avenue near Natural Bridges State Park. To insure that every racer runs the same distance, running on the street (except in the start/finish area and in the bike lane on Swanton) is prohibited and may result in disqualification. Racers must the right at all times and be aware of pedestrian traffic on paths. There will be water stations will be available at mile 2, the turn-around point and mile
Only numbered athletes with an athlete bracelet will be allowed in and out of the transition areas. Athletes must be body marked with their race number on their upper left and right arms, their age on their left calf and on their bike sticker on the frame and a helmet sticker. Please identify all equipment, such as your wetsuits, with name or race number.
Race committee and sponsors The Santa Cruz Triathlon is are not responsible for lost or stolen equipment. Only numbered athletes will be allowed to remove bikes from transition area. As stated earlier, bikes must have number tags
and runner must wear bib number.
Timing chips are the athlete's responsibility and they are a $65.00 charge if not returned upon the end of the race. If at anytime you end your race you must return the timing chip to the medical tent or the finish line to make sure you are not charged the $65.00 fee. If you need to mail them in, please mail to: ATTN: SVE TIMING,389 Magladry Court, Hollister, CA 95023.
We ask that you not do not leave with your bike until after 10am. There is a lot of traffic with the Sprint athlete's and Aquathlon athlete's that are still competing and we do not want to have a traffic jam at the bike in/out during their race. You MUST be wearing your bracelet with the BIB number on it that matches your bike to exit with your bike. It is for your bike security that we have this protocol in place so please do not take off your bracelet or bike stickers until after you exit transition.